11 Tips On How To Choose A Pikler Triangle

how to choose a pikler triangle

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How to choose a Pikler triangle

When choosing a Pikler triangle, consider the size, design, price, brand, material, and safety.

I got my child a Pikler triangle because it offers many developmental benefits. As a mother, I was concerned about the safety and the materials it is made of. 

With so many different options available, it can be hard and overwhelming to buy a Pikler triangle.

But don’t worry, I’ve done the research and will show you how to choose a Pikler triangle for your child.

If you’re short on time, this is how to choose a Pikler triangle:

  1. Identify the material of the Pikler triangle (wood is common).

  2. Consider safety features such as rounded edges, non-slip feet, and locking mechanisms.

  3. Look for the recommended age range for use.

  4. Consider the height, width, and depth of the triangle.

  5. Look for customization options.

  6. Consider storage options.

  7. Compare brands and models.

  8. Consider your budget.

I will go more into detail about each consideration to help you choose a Pikler triangle that meets your child’s growing needs.

Let’s dive in!

Your guide on how to choose a Pikler triangle

Here is a detailed and comprehensive 11-step guide to help you choose a Pikler triangle for your child.

choose a pikler triangle

1. Material of the Pikler triangle

Most Pikler triangles align with the Montessori philosophy and are made of wood, but you may find climbing triangles made out of plastic.

Look for high-quality, sturdy wood that can support your child’s weight and withstand wear and tear. Birch plywood and beechwood are durable and sustainable options.

Check if the materials are non-toxic and free of harmful chemicals or substances. This is especially important if your child likes to put objects in their mouth. 

Look for certifications such as FSC or Greenguard to ensure that the materials used in the Pikler triangle are environmentally friendly and safe for your child to use.

2. Weight limit and stability

When you buy a Pikler triangle, pay close attention to its weight limit and stability.

Make sure that the Pikler triangle you select can support your child’s weight and is stable enough to prevent tipping over during play. 

The weight limit should be clearly stated in the product description, and it’s essential to choose a Pikler triangle that can handle the weight of your child.

3. Safety features

Pikler triangle locking mechanisms

Look for safety features that can help prevent injuries while your child is using the Pikler triangle. 

Rounded edges and corners can reduce the risk of your child getting hurt if they fall or bump into the triangle. 

Non-slip feet can provide additional stability and prevent the Pikler triangle from sliding or moving around during use.

Locking mechanisms are also important safety features to consider and can prevent the Pikler triangle from collapsing or folding up unexpectedly during play.

4. The recommended age range for use

Are you buying a Pikler for an infant, toddler, or older child? Some Pikler triangles are designed for infants and toddlers, while others are better suited for older children. 

For example, the Lily and River Little Climber is great for infants and toddlers who are learning to walk. The Wonder Stay-at-Home Play-at-Home Activity Gym by Asweets is great for older children.

Some Pikler triangles like GrowGo Kids 6-in-1 Pikler triangle Kit grow with your child, which makes it a great investment and is the one we recommend.

Whichever Pikler triangle you buy, make sure that it is appropriate for your child’s age and developmental stage.

5. Height, width, and depth of the triangle

The Pikler triangle needs to be appropriate for your child’s age and height. A Pikler triangle that is too tall can be challenging for your child to climb, while a triangle that is too short may not provide enough stimulation.

Also, consider the width and depth of the Pikler triangle. A wider triangle may provide more stability, while a narrower triangle may be easier to store when your child is not using it.

6. Shape and number of rungs

Pikler triangle steps and ladder

The shape and number of rungs, or steps, on the Pikler triangle can affect the level of challenge and stimulation it provides for your child. 

A triangle with more rungs will provide more opportunities for your child to climb and develop their gross motor skills.

7. Customizable options

Some companies sell just the Pikler triangle by itself, while others come with a rocker and a slide. 

The rocker and slide can provide more opportunities for your child to explore and develop their motor skills.

You may want to consider a Pikler triangle that grows with your child like the 6-in-1 Pikler Triangle Set

8. Storage options

Do you have a large area for your child to play? Or do you want something compact that can save space?

If you have limited space in your home, look for a triangle that can be easily folded or disassembled for storage. 

A lightweight and compact design may be easier to move around and store.

9. Compare different brands and models

Take the time to research and compare different options to find the Pikler triangle that best fits your needs and budget.

Look for the brand’s reputation, the materials used in construction, and the overall design and quality of the triangle. 

Looking at reviews and recommendations from other parents can help guide your decision.

10. Factors that affect the price of the Pikler triangle

Why are Pikler triangles expensive? Most climbing triangles are handmade and this affects the price. 

The price of a Pikler triangle also varies greatly depending on the materials used in construction, the size and design of the triangle, and the brand. 

Higher-quality materials such as solid wood or birch plywood and more complex designs will generally result in higher price tags.

Keep in mind that a higher price tag does not always guarantee better quality, so be sure to do your research and read reviews before making a purchase.

11. Reviews and recommendations from other parents and experts

Here are the brands and models of Pikler triangles and other climbing structures we recommend.

Feel free to shop around for other options. Look for reviews from parents who have used the product with their children and consider the pros and cons of each brand and model.

Talk to Montessori educators (like myself) who are familiar with Pikler triangles and their benefits. Their opinions can help you choose a triangle that will best support your child’s development.

How to incorporate a Pikler triangle into your child’s daily routine

Now that you have a great understanding of how to choose a Pikler triangle (and hopefully you already have one), let’s talk about how it fits into your child’s play.

Ideas for different play activities that can be done with a Pikler triangle

A Pikler triangle is a versatile toy that can be used in a variety of play activities to promote your child’s physical and cognitive development. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Climbing: The Pikler triangle is designed for climbing and encourages your child to develop balance and coordination while also building strength and confidence.

  2. Pretend play: The triangle can be used as a fort, a tunnel, or a bridge for your child’s imaginative play.

  3. Motor skills: Use the rungs of the triangle for your child to practice their gross motor skills by climbing, hanging, and balancing.

  4. Obstacle course: Set up a course for your child to climb up and down the triangle, crawl under it, and go over it.

Pro Tip: how to safely introduce a Pikler triangle to your child

Introducing the Pikler triangle to your child should be a gradual process, especially if they are young or new to climbing. Here are some tips for safe and creative play:

  1. Supervise your child while they play to ensure their safety.

  2. Start with a low height and work your way up as your child gains confidence and skill.

  3. Use pillows or cushions around the base of the triangle to cushion falls.

  4. Encourage your child to explore the triangle at their own pace and to take breaks if they become tired.

  5. Demonstrate how to use the triangle safely and model safe play behavior for your child.

Ways to integrate the Pikler triangle with other Montessori toys

The Pikler triangle can be used in combination with other Montessori or educational toys and activities to promote your child’s development in multiple areas. Here are some ideas:

  1. Pair the triangle with a balance board to encourage gross motor skills development and balance.

  2. Use the triangle as part of an obstacle course that includes crawling tunnels, balance beams, and other physical challenges.

  3. Combine the triangle with blocks or stacking toys to encourage problem-solving and creative play.

  4. Use the triangle as a centerpiece for a sensory exploration area that includes different textures, materials, and objects for your child to explore.

Experiment with different activities and toys to find what works best for your child’s individual needs and interests.

Pikler triangle benefits for child development

Using a Pikler triangle has numerous benefits for your child’s physical, cognitive, and emotional development. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Physical Development: Climbing the Pikler triangle helps develop your child’s gross motor skills, balance, coordination, and strength. It also promotes body awareness and spatial orientation.

  2. Cognitive Development: The Pikler triangle encourages problem-solving and experimentation. Your child can try different ways of climbing up and down and develop strategies for reaching the top.

  3. Emotional Development: Climbing the Pikler triangle builds your child’s self-confidence, independence, and sense of achievement. It also provides a safe and challenging environment for your child to take risks and test their limits.

  4. Social Development: Playing with friends on the Pikler triangle promotes social skills such as cooperation, taking turns, and communication.


Are Pikler triangles safe?

Yes, Pikler triangles are safe. Your baby will naturally climb on objects like boxes or furniture which can be dangerous. The Pikler triangle gives your child a safe space to explore and learn.

Keep in mind that even though the Pikler triangle is safe to use, you should always supervise your child during climbing exercises.

How to prevent Pikler triangle injuries

To avoid injuries when your child uses the Pikler triangle, always observe your children when they use climbing triangles and make sure that it is adjusted to support your child’s needs. 

Start with a low height and increase it gradually. Provide cushioning around the base of the triangle. Show your child how to use the Pikler triangle and encourage them to take frequent breaks.

What to do next?

I went into great detail to create this guide to help you choose a Pikler triangle. As you can see, there are many things you need to consider.

To make the selection process even easier, check out the best Pikler triangles I recommend to parents.

About Leslie - Latinx Montessori

Hello, I am Leslie. I am on a mission to help you support the growth and development of your child. With the right tools and proper guidance, you can navigate parenthood with confidence and assertion! My goal is to equip you with knowledge to help you construct a strong foundation for your child’s life.

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